The kidney search.

Kidney Donation on Facebook

Picture saying Sean Needs A Kidney
Living kidney donation

I posted the above picture on Facebook yesterday and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I have some really great friends that asked about getting tested for being a potential donor. So cool but I just feel weird about it. I almost feel like want it to be anonymous cause how do you repay a friend for that? I have no idea. Plus I know people have that initial reaction to help but I don’t want people feeling bad about changing their mind or not being able to follow through. Personally Im not a person that likes to ask for help but how else do you get a kidney donation. I live in California where the average person is on the kidney donation list for 8 years unless you find a private donor. So I have to get over my self and ask.

My blood type is O which means I can only except a kidney from an O donor. If you are reading this and you have O blood type Congragulations you have passed the first step. LOL. You can download the living donor packet right here. Thank you.

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