Living Kidney Donor Needed

Sean Williams is looking for a live kidney donor for transplant.

Hoping for a life-saving kidney transplant.

My name is Sean Williams, and my kidneys don’t work, so to stay alive, I have to go to Dialysis 3 days a week for 4 hours sessions. I made this website hoping someone would see it, like my story, and agree to get tested and potentially become my donor. I know that’s a huge ask, but I can promise I’m worthy.

I had to lose 65 pounds and go through a battery of tests to get on the national transplant registry, but I have met all the requirements and am officially on the list! YEA. Now comes the hard part, finding a donor. Everyone can help in my search, share this site with friends, buy one of my t-shirts, and, most importantly, wear it. You never know my angel might see it and give me the gift of life. 

Why a living kidney donation is best

A kidney transplant from a living donor has a ton of advantages.

Living donor kidneys are more likely to work right away and last an average of 25 Years. You also have the convenience of being able to schedule the surgery. Did you know that job security is guaranteed for living donors?

A kidney transplant offers a much better quality of life than dialysis and kidney failure. Dialysis filters blood wastes, excess fluids, and toxins created by the body’s organs. This process prevents toxins from building up in your body, but it is also tedious with long hours of treatment 3-4 times per week. Kidney failure can lead to liver damage,
transplant surgery offers a significant improvement in all aspects of life – physical, psychological, and social almost immediately.
The benefits of surgery are numerous. The most obvious advantage is the fix to the actual health issue. However, many life-changing improvements can be seen following a surgical procedure.

There are many options for getting a transplant. The surgery can come from either an unrelated donor or living related donor. The surgery from an unrelated donor has advantages such as no waiting list and matches with any blood type – but also disadvantages such as the increased risk of rejection and higher cost to the recipient’s insurance company. Living-related donors offer advantages such as the reduced risk of rejection and lower costs to the recipient’s insurance company – but also disadvantages such as surgery requirements and sharing 50% of their genes with the recipient.

the 3 things Sean Loves most

I am married to my best friend and ride or die Robin.

We love to travel. A few years ago, we went to Costa Rica. Now that I’m on dialysis, it’s a little challenging, but we still manage to take a trip here and there. We love football, but we have different teams, she is a Seattle Seahawk fan, and I love the Raiders. In 2019 we went to Seattle to see the hawks play, then flew to Oakland to see my Raiders, then came home. We don’t have any kids, but we have 14 nieces and nephews we get to spoil and send home. LOL.
One of my other loves is Stand Up Comedy. I love to make people laugh. I’ve been doing standup for about 11 years now. Because of dialysis, I’m not able to get on stage as much as I used to, but I get up as much as I can. Before I went into Renal Failure, I started to travel and perform. I’ve performed in Vegas, Seattle, Chicago, Indiana, Idaho, Arizona, and Oregon. I have one video online that has over one million views.

In-depth Explanation of the Kidney Donation Process from Donor to Recipient

The Loma Linda kidney donation process 

There is a process to get approved to be a kidney donor. Even if you don’t know someone in need but are interested in being a donor, this article linked below will help answer some of your questions.

In the United States, more than 100,000 people are on the waiting list for a kidney transplant, and 18 people die every day while waiting for one.

Therefore it is necessary to ensure that any potential donor will not regret giving away their kidney later on in life because of health consequences or other unforeseen circumstances.
The first step is quite simple: go online and fill out an online application with the American Transplant Foundation (ATF) or download the kidney donor transplant form right here.

The American Transplant Foundation (ATF) is the nation’s largest public, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving and improving lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation.
It takes a minimum of 4 months to complete the evaluation and get approved for the transplant. The process is set up this way on purpose to give the donor time and make sure he or she is serious and committed.
Common questions:
Can a person live with one kidney? YES. Healthy people have 2 kidneys but you only need one.

Have more questions check out this great resource     

My Transplant Journey Part 1 - The Diagnosis & Preparation for Surgery

Thank you for visiting my site. Don’t forget even if you are not ready to donate one of your kidneys there are many other ways you can help me in my quest to get a kidney.

  1. Share my site and story on your social media.
  2. Get a Sean Needs A Kidney t-shirt and wear it out to the mall or on Black Friday.
  3. Send all positive vibes my way.